Saturday, September 13, 2014


Second Post of the Day in Which I Talk About Nothing Special

Well, I'm watching the end of the Matrix, a movie I haven't seen in a decade I'm sure. I'm doing it because I assigned it to my class so now, you know, I have to do it myself. It's not bad but I find the action sequences boring now. Back then it was "AMAZEBALLS" but now it's like "Can we get to the dialogue so I can write insightful questions?"

Can't entirely complain about a Hugo Weaving movie. That man's's just obscenely sexy.

Late I'm sure my posts will be much more sophisticated, but I've got a lot I've got to get done by 10:30 right now so you'll just have to live.

If you have any amazingly insightful questions about the matrix, please post them in the comments section.s

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