Saturday, September 13, 2014


In which our heroine briefly bewails the impossibility of getting a good picture of her kittens

They are so adorable and so impossible to photograph being all inky blackness. Also can someone explain to me what is with kittens and electrical cords. One of them in particular seems to be obsessed with the eating of them. oh god why can't it be 9 am already?

Selma makes me CRAZY with the chewing on cords. I don't know what it is about those little nimrods and electrical cords.

In other Amusing Cat News, Selma just tried to devour Ross's foot when he got up to fill her food bowl. After about 90 seconds of Ross saying "Please, Selma, let go. Selma, NO. Please let go. Please," I finally whacked her on the butt with a bag full of merino roving, at which point she finally let go.
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