Saturday, July 29, 2006


My Mom's Cat Hates Blogathon

It seems only will be using this site, but with two blogs I really won't have the time to talk much on the phone, answer emails, or even check comments.

I took the time to go out on the porch and blow bubbles . I'm wearing my killer rabbit slippers, my red hot pussy liquors t-shirt and listening to the soundtrack to Shrek if you can imagine that.

Been coasting on adrenaline for a bit. My right shoulder is already beginning to hurt at not even the five hour mark, and I'm nervous about this two blogs business, but I'll do it.

Picture above is my mother's car Delilah who was less than thrilled to have me join her on the porch. Now it's time for some ice tea.

WOw! I'm posting Delilah's face on as we speak.
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